Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me!

I'm stealing this from Jillian at who got it from !

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I always take my teenagers on time for their yearly physical. I never, ever coerce my mother into bringing them by mentioning the fact that she can always go to the thrift store while waiting. Needless to say, I never mention the fact that Avery is now in 6 to 9 month clothing, and the thrift store just put out their spring clothes. No way, I would never do that.

As a good mother should do, I always fill out the paper work needed in order to complete their physicals. I would never, ever make my precious children fill out their own paper work and the forge my name at the bottom. I wouldn't ever call out from the back of the room, elbow deep in baby diapers, yes or no answers to any previous health issues they may have had in the past. And I would NEVER tell them to leave the Social Security portion blank because I didn't have time to run to the filing cabinet to look it up (and I won't tell them when they call later on to fill in the blank that we must have looked over that section).

I always sit with my children as they fall asleep during nap time in order to keep them calm, and give them a sense of security. I would NEVER EVER use this time of the day in order to take a moment and use the computer conveniently located in the nap time bedroom. I would never tell my husband that supper was a bit late today because the kids had a hard time falling asleep for nap time and they needed me in the room with them to keep them from getting out of bed every five minutes. Time just happened to pass a bit fast and I didn't realize they had fallen asleep 2 hours ago. Especially knowing that my husband will read my blog when he has extra time, I would never ever blog about that here!

Blogging that entire time? Me? I would Never, Ever do that!


  1. LOL! i especially relate to your last point. I NEVER do that either! and my husband *doesn't* ever read my blog on a daily basis!

    You crack me up Alex love.

  2. Not me either! I can't wait till my kids can write! Did I say that outloud?

  3. Lol.
    Visiting you from SITS. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  4. You are funny!
    Came over from SITS to say hi.

  5. I love Not Me Mondays! Hey...thanks for stopping by my blog and for voting for my son...feel free to pass along the link to anyone you think might take a second and vote.

    #11 - Lane

